{Frequently Asked Questions}

What is the purpose of teaching these courses?

Because basic weather knowledge is not required when police and fire officers get their badges. The weather can be just as deadly as a criminal with a weapon or a structure fire. I think all emergency responders should have some basic weather instruction to help them perform their duties.

How will these courses be taught? Will there be a lot of math and hard science?

These course will be taught in a laid back atmosphere with power point presentations, lots of video, no math and conversations about basic meteorology (weather). My goal is to teach you college level meteorology without talking over your head. I focus on weather phenomena that affect a emergency responder’s job in the line of duty.

How long do the courses last?

Each course I teach lasts 8 hours and count as 8 hours of CLEET credit. Starting at 8am and ending at 5pm. We will take a 1 hour lunch break.

Do I have to take the courses in order?

Weather 101 for Emergency Responders I is where you should start if you haven’t taken a meteorology course before or you need a refresher. If you have taken a college level meteorology course, you could start with Weather 101 for Emergency Responders II. Keep in mind that the first course is basic meteorology (just like I teach in the college classroom minus the tests). The second course takes the knowledge learned in the first course and gives you some tools and applications (ie. learn how to read weather maps, satellite/radar, advanced storm spotting skills, etc.)

Why haven’t these courses been offered until now?

That’s a damn good question! My goal is not to get rich. I want to offer this knowledge at a price, that all that wear a badge, can afford. Just one of these courses in college would cost you about $500 (not including the textbook). The information you get here, no one can take from you. It will empower you to make critical decisions and save the life of yourself and the citizens you serve. I basically want to help keep you safe!